Monday, June 30, 2008


I don't know how to pronounce their name, but they do have some mighty fine envelopes. Very competitively priced, had what I was looking for (aqua blue envelopes) and offer FREE shipping for orders over $25! I got my precious envelopes about 48 hours after I ordered them, and they even came packaged in peanuts so they wouldn't break! I'm a fan.

Monday, June 23, 2008

My Diligence Paid Off!

I swear I have googled "Damask Table Runner" almost every day for the past few months in the hope that something will pop on ebay, a message board, craigslist... but nothing. These babies are hard to find and are pretty much the holy grail for the damask bride.

THEN, last week, sure enough.... a got a bite. A bride on weddingbee was getting rid of a huge stash of them. I contacted her in time and nabbed a few. I should be getting them in the mail this week. I am so excited! I think they will really help pull the look together.

Here's what the fabric on these looks like:

Of course, being the OCD bride that I am, I wish it matched my existing damask pattern better, but at this point, I can't be picky. (even though I just KNOW that now that I've found these, Target will come out with some next week that match my pattern exactly. That's just how it is.)

Friday, June 20, 2008

Our 8 Year Anniversary!

This weekend marks 8 years since my fiancee and I started dating. I can't believe how far we've come. And I can't believe that after all this time, I still fall in love with him more and more every day.

With all of the ups and downs in life, and all of the uncertainties, it is unbelievably comforting to know that there is at least one thing I am completely sure of, one thing that I can always count on... him. :)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

My First Wedding Gift!!

AND my first iProduct - isn't it cute? And look at the color! TIFFANY BLUE!!!11 (I'm sqealing as I'm typing)

to: me
from: me

I'm so sweet. :)

Friday, June 6, 2008

My First DIY Project!

I couldn't find any envelope seals that I liked so I made my own! :) Once I got the idea, it was really easy.

1. Gather materials:
- Paper in the design that you want. I used some scrapbooking paper from Michaels. (I'm sure you could use fabric too)
- Spray mount
- Sticker paper
- 1" circle craft punch (which is pretty standard, but you can use different size and shapes if you want)

**nerd alert**

I took pictures.

2. Adhere decorative paper to sticker paper with spray mount.
Let Dry.


4. Viola - you have perfect little round seals! Just peel the back of the sticker paper off and you are ready to go! I got about 70 seals out of an 8.5 x 11 sheet of sticker paper.

5. Put in a cute little bag and feel very Martha Stewart-y ;)

Monday, June 2, 2008

It's a Great Time to be a Tiffany Blue Bride

Look at all this cute stuff!

Robes from Advantage Bridal
Towels from Classy Bride

"Mr. & Mrs." Passport holders and luggage tags from Advantage Bridal

Cutest Thing Ever?

Can't decide which one I love more. The little chocolate chip cookies with the "shot" of milk, or the mini grilled cheese sandwiches with the teeny weeny serving of tomato soup!

Yes, people are really doing this at their weddings! (((jealous)))